Read time: 5 minute read
Smoothie bowls are the most delicious, refreshing sugar hit, perfect for a summer breakfast or snack. But are they good for you?
Despite smoothie bowls being packed with...
Read times: 6 minute read time
Dieting can be hard work! But there are lots of things you can do to make it easier for yourself. In this post I am sharing 13 things that make dieting, or fat loss...
Read time: 5 minute read
Generally, store-bought almond milk contains additives, thickeners and fillers, and contains an average of 2.5% almonds. If you want to steer away from dairy and towards a...
Read time: 2 minute read
Savoury oats are a winner when you want to keep your blood sugar under control, have sustained energy throughout the day, and avoid those sugar cravings.
Also perfect for...
Read time: 3 minute read
This week I have been on a ‘diet break’ (code for still tracking food but eating a little more), and I’m playing with a few recipes. Here is my favourite...