Why Self Love is so Important

emotional health mindset & motivation women's health Mar 09, 2023
Why Self Love is so Important

Just a quick one

So, I definitely would have appreciated a lesson about this one at school

I guess for some it’s learned in the family, but for some, it’s never taught. This leaves us with millions of young women and men trying to find value in the world around them by manipulating their faces or bodies – sometimes in extreme ways – to become someone they deem ‘acceptable’ by the ‘normal’ standards

In an attempt to find self-love it is so so natural to turn to what is right in front of you – celebrity culture, fashion/beauty magazines and YOUR BODY. When the message that you’re not good enough screams louder than the one that preaches LOVE, it’s easy to believe that you are incomplete

The fitness industry is no exception here. There are girls who have never had a weight problem in their life selling programs to those who have, girls on drugs who claim to be natural, and then there are those we idolise who look nothing like their Instagram accounts when you meet them in real life. It’s a deception like no other, setting unrealistic standards across the globe for the rest of society who feel they don’t measure up

A health and fitness journey should be just that – one where you are prioritising your wellbeing by improving your HEALTH and FITNESS. Oftentimes self-love is a byproduct of these two actions

Self-love lies within.

Set your own standards.

If you're interested in building a healthier relationship with your body, check out Beyond the Body - A journey towards building the kind of self-love that you have always dreamed of!

Jen x


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