
Wildly Strong Women's 

Health & Fitness Academy


This is a health and wellbeing platform inspired by women, and created for women






Hi, I'm Jen!

If you're a on a mission to strengthen your body and mind from the inside out, you're in the right place!

I educate, empower, and support women to achieve the best health and wellbeing outcomes possible. I appreciate; 

  • Women are not small men, and by tailoring programs for women's unique physiology and sensitivity we can thrive
  • We are not all created equally, as we have different backgrounds, starting points, and physiological needs.
  • The fitness industry is failing women, with endless crash-diets, gruelling training regimens, and body transformations that are simply unattainable by the average woman, and
  • The health industry is failing women, by ignoring their symptoms, and leaving them to solve their problems alone.
This platform was created from thousands of hours of study and professional practice, based on teachings that support all women, no matter their background or starting point, to make moves towards being the best they can be!

The health and fitness space can be frightening for women who aren’t sure what to do in order to become fit and healthy. Although it may feel that way, I want you to know that there is more than enough room for everybody - you just need the right environment (and information) to thrive. 

And, did you know, over 50% of women hold back from activities they love, because they are worried about how they look? So there has never been a better time than now for a healthy female fitness space to thrive.



You're feeling uncomfortable & overwhelmed

You can’t seem to get yourself to eat better, even though you really want to. You see perfect bodies and beautiful, airbrushed women everywhere. You’re not sure you could ever reach that ideal, but you’re feeling pretty shitty so you put your foot out in the ring anyway. 


You start looking  online for a solution

You turn to the diet and fitness industry - bodybuilders, 8 week challenges, bikini models, fat loss ‘hacks’ (bio-hacks even!) everywhere! Where do you start!? What are you supposed to be focussing on? Do you eat meat, or go vegan? Lift heavy weights, or do pilates?


You find something you haven't tried

You choose a program online somewhere, which promises to help you eat better, move more, lose weight. It promises you that you’ll feel better if you ‘just do a, b, c…’. You’re eating low calories, afraid of delicious foods, working out really hard. Maybe you’re tracking calorie burn and heart rate now?


The wheels start falling off again! 

You’re starting to feel tired. Maybe you’re sore, or even injured. You feel like eating everything in sight! Now you’re laying in your bed with a pack of oreos feeling like there must be something wrong with you. Everyone else seems to be able to do it, right?


You've probably asked yourself: 

  • Why can’t I just get this right!? 
  • What do ‘they’ have that I don’t have?
Probably better genetics, for one, but perhaps also, their bodies don’t need as much love and care as yours, and, maybe you are starting from a place that needs more foundational work.
This is what I most often see in my coaching. Natural-born athletes have an easier time achieving their dream bodies (and it helps if you don't have a bucket load of stress and trauma, too!).

This is the space that Wildly Strong was born to fill.

I’ve been in the health and fitness industry for over 20 years, and I've seen (and tried!) it all. And I can say with absolute confidence that if you’re going around in circles with your health and wellbeing, it’s likely that the fitness industry in the traditional sense, will not serve you.

Almost all of my clientele are those who have tried and failed to get results in traditional fitness programs.

 You don't need yet another 'diet'

You need a healthy lifestyle. And this lifestyle requires you to unlearn everything you have been taught, and take on a new way of being - from the inside, out (as I like to say!)

It’s insanely common for women and girls to feel uncomfortable in their bodies. Traumatic events, neglect, stress, mental health challenges all cause us to feel uneasy within ourselves, so we look outside of ourselves for a solution. The solution is not in the weight loss diet, or that insta-models fitness app. It lies in nourishment - of mind, body, and soul. It lies in building yourself up, not breaking yourself down. 

Over the years My business has evolved from elite-level bodybuilding coaching to truly holistic health and wellbeing coaching, and I've got the testimonials to prove it. 

I specialise in getting lasting results for women who aren’t getting results in a typical program. Or, women who are hesitant to even begin. It is not uncommon for me to support women with all kinds of health challenges, both mental and physical, as well as disordered eating, and trauma. You just need to want to start. 

I’ve boiled down 20+ years of industry experience, and 12 years of female-only holistic health and fitness coaching down into short, information-packed transformational courses:

It’s an online educational platform like no other, supporting women to change their relationship with food, their bodies, their minds, and training, all in one place, and from the comfort of your own home!

It's a 'choose your own adventure' kind of thing....

Or, you can go all-out and purchase an all-access pass, where you will have all 5 foundational courses (and discounts on courses to come)!

Here is something you may not know…
The fitness industry promotes a change in appearance as a ‘solution’. It suggests you are just one diet away from a whole new reality. That’s not true. The following is true; 
  • When we feel unsafe, we seek solace in changing our appearance. We land in diet culture, and the fitness industry
  • There, women are treated like men - but we are not the same as men. So we get injured, overstimulate our nervous systems, or try to power our way through things. I recognised this, and implemented it into my coaching programs back in 2012. 
  • Additionally, stress impedes short and long-term results in both health and in the way you look. I recognised and implemented it into my coaching packages in 2015. 
  • If you look even deeper, childhood stress and trauma narrows your capacity for change, impeding your ability to even recognise that you’re stressed. It impedes your capacity to achieve anything at all, really. I recognised this in 2022, and I have implemented this into my coaching programs since 2022.


It's not that there is no solution, or that ‘nothing works’. There is a solution. You just need to take a different pathway. 

 What Wildly Strong does...

Wildly Strong supports women in building what I call a strong body ‘container’ - one so strong they can do anything they set their minds to. We achieve this by increasing capacity with food, exercise, and mindset on the deepest level.



This is about how you think and what you believe, yes, but it's also about what you feel. Where is your body stress-wise? Are you at your limit? What can be done to reduce this load to make way for a healthy lifestyle ongoing?

Mindset teachings are all about self-regulation, which essentially means to return the body to it's natural state of safety, where it can rest, heal, and rejuvenate. We re-wire beliefs and create a more holistic understanding of ourselves and what we need.


We work on expanding your capacity for change through subconscious reprogramming activities, breath-work, meditation, journalling practices and somatic exercises. You’ll find these in the Mindset Mastery, Destress, and Body Love programs.


Here we focus on improving food choices, and healthy diet adherence by nourishing your metabolism (that pesky furnace that keeps the whole body in a state of health and vitality). 

Long term and repeated dieting, and starvation/binge cycles all alter the metabolism over time, making weight loss more difficult in the long term. When you lean how to fuel it, and plan your food around things that bring you joy, you can unlock another level of health and wellbeing. 


Learn how to create healthy food plans, prep your meals quickly and easily, and focus your energy where it matters - using food for fuel, and optimal health. This is covered in the Nourish & Flourish Program.


Here we focus on building physical strength, through weight training and postural correction. When you’re strong in your body, your overall health in both body and mind is much higher.

When we exercise, we tend to over-do it, thinking that the more we do, or the harder we push ourselves, the better the result will be. We also tend to exercise with zero clue on how to hold or use our bodies correctly. This piece is about unlocking that. 


A step-by-step process for correcting posture (it’s easy and time efficient, too!) and endless tutorials on correct movement/training form so you can start smashing out impactful gym workouts that build your body up, rather than break it down. You’ll find this in the Female Training program.

  In this academy you will build yourself up, not break yourself down


1:1 Private Coaching

Custom coaching is available to anyone who is ready to take their health and wellbeing transformation to the next level - goals include lifestyle overhaul, improving health, nourishment, physical strength, body confidence and more.

I provide all online resources as a part of my coaching, and the 1:1 experience is customisable depending on your individual circumstances.

Prices start from $75/week for weight loss, to $109/week for intensive health coaching and body transformation

For for information visit my personal site here, or apply below for a free consultation.

*As a private coaching client, you will have access to all the courses as a part of your coaching program

Apply here!


I understand my clients deeply, as we most often share similar experiences. I support them in navigating what I have navigated, and overcome, in myself. There is no better way to grow than with the support of someone who understands you. I have done it all;
  • I have been in the fitness industry since 2003 - there is nothing I don’t know about its diets, programs, methods, and fads
  • I started dieting at age 13, and through my coaching business, I have seen first hand how this chronic diet culture mentality destroys Women’s quality of life
  • I never got results from traditional programs, because I don’t have a ‘typical’ structure - my body is very feminine and I needed to work around that. I was the first trainer to really highlight that and my female-friendly approach accelerated my clients results overnight. 
  • I know what it is like to loathe your body - and I mean, deep down to the core. So, I get you there. 
This Women’s health model is truly unique as it has been informed by my journey through mental and physical health issues, and trauma. My teachings evolved as I healed, and I saw how powerful they are as I supported my clients towards their own health transformations. 
My formal training includes personal training, nutrition, naturopathy, reiki, certificates in sports medicine, thyroid and adrenal conditions, mental health, and somatic trauma therapy training. I use a combination of my trainings with each client as needed.

Kind words from the women who have inspired my work over the years


 You are not 'just a body'.

You are a force of nature.  

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